Home hospice care allows patients to be cared for in the comfort of their homes with loved ones by their side. With an accompanying comprehensive suite of support that ranges from professional medical attention, caregiver training and equipment loan, at no charge, home hospice care is definitely a viable option in helping loved ones with life-limiting illnesses, be well supported at home.
HCA is a registered charity that does not charge for all our services, including home hospice care.
Frequency of home visits is dependent on the patient’s condition and the caregiver needs. They range from once to twice weekly, once fortnightly or monthly. Our clinical staff will assess and recommend accordingly.
If the doctor or nurse decides to start a patient on new medication during a home visit, the first dose is usually provided free-of-charge. Subsequently, a prescription will be provided for future doses. Assistance will be provided if patients are unable to afford.
Certain equipment like hospital beds, oxygen concentrators, wheelchairs, commode chairs, air mattresses, walking frames etc. are available on loan with a refundable deposit of $100. Priority is always given to families with financial difficulties. The primary nurse will facilitate the loan of equipment.
The primary care nurse and doctor will facilitate admission to an inpatient hospice or hospital, depending on the patient’s medical condition and the wishes of patient and/or family. Our staff will ensure a good transition and continuation of care when this happens.