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Useful Numbers

Here are some contact numbers you my find useful. 

Public Emergency Ambulance: 995

For emergencies, e.g. fall with injuries, uncontrolled bleeding, uncontrolled seizures, etc.

Non-Emergency Ambulance: 1777

For non-emergencies, e.g. going for hospital appointments, or going to A&E of your preferred choice.

24 Hour Private Ambulance Service

Alpha Ambulance: 6777 7389

Ambulance Medical Service: 6281 8111

Blesswell / Heng Gref Ambulance: 6273 0147

Comfort Ambulance: 6445 7300

Civil Ambulance: 6333 3000

ER Ambulance: 6222 2995

First Ambulance: 6252 9696

Hope Ambulance: 6100 1911 / 6100 2922

IM Ambulance: 6786 3786

Lentor Ambulance: 6250 2700

Star Care Ambulance: 6899 1000 

General Funeral Directors

Amazing Grace Bereavement Care: 8321 3355 / 6777 2422

Casket Company Embalming& Funeral Services: 6456 7423

Direct Singapore Funeral Services & Embalming: 6555 1115

Singapore Funeral Group: 1800 800 1818

Singapore Casket Co.: 6293 4388

The Life Celebrant: 6684 8488 

Muslims Funeral Directors

SerbagunaMuslim Funeral Services & Contractor: 6440 8471 / 9634 7145

Singapore Muslim Casket and Marble Contractor: 6440 7259

PengurusanJenazahUhud: 9451 5473 

Hindu Funeral Directors

Hindu Casket: 6222 4444 / 9222 4444

Singapore Indian Casket: 6100 5515 / 9788 5515 

For Coroner's Case

Please call 999 to inform the police that there is a death at the home.