On 1st April 2022, HCA Hospice Care, currently a registered society, will be renaming ourselves as HCA Hospice Limited and transiting to become a Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG). The nature of our charitable operations and our vision and mission will remain unchanged and there will be no disruption to care.
Our new entity, HCA Hospice Limited (UEN no. 202114297R) is a registered charity and has obtained IPC status (Institutions of a Public Character).
The following sections will outline the reasons for this change and answer some questions that you may have. If you have any queries, you may contact us at 6251 2561 or send us an email at [email protected].
A Company Limited by Guarantee (CLG) is primarily used to carry out non-profit making activities like charity work.
Unlike companies that distribute profits to shareholders, CLGs are not allowed to distribute profits in the form of dividends, bonuses or otherwise to its members. Any surplus is retained within the company. CLGs are registered with ACRA (Accounting and Corporate Regulatory Authority of Singapore) and governed by the Companies Act. A CLG may also obtain charity and IPC (Institutions of a Public Character) status.
Our new entity, HCA Hospice Limited, is registered as a Charity and Institution of a Public Character (UEN no. 202114297R). Hence, there will be no change to our services and charitable work. Tax-deductible receipts for qualifying donations will continue to be issued.
Since its establishment in 1989, HCA has grown from a volunteer-led society to a medium-size organisation with over 140 staff. Structurally and operationally, we have evolved to resemble a typical company.
Being a CLG will allow HCA to put in place a more formal and commonly recognised organisational structure. It also means that legally, HCA will be a separate legal entity that is distinct from the individuals who are involved in it. This allows for better compliance and will put HCA on a solid foundation for the next phase of growth.
The transition will officially occur on 1st April 2022. From 1st April 2022, all contracts, invoices, donations and official correspondence should be addressed to HCA Hospice Limited.
Yes, our new entity, HCA Hospice Limited, is registered as a Charity and Institution of a Public Character (UEN no. 202114297R). There will be no change to our services and charitable work. Tax-deductible receipts for qualifying donations will continue to be issued. Our vision and mission also remain unchanged, as with our commitment to journey with our patients to add life to days.
Our new entity, HCA Hospice Limited, will be the custodian of all personal data previously collected by HCA Hospice . We will continue to protect and use the personal data which we have on record to the highest standards and in full compliance with the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.
There will be no change to our contact information. You can continue to reach us at our current address, emails and phone numbers listed on our website www.hca.org.sg, and in your records.
Please address us as HCA or HCA Hospice. For legal and official documents, please use our registered name in full: HCA Hospice Limited.
Yes, our new entity, HCA Hospice Limited, is registered as a Charity and Institution of a Public Character (UEN no. 202114297R). There will be no change to our services and charitable work. Our vision and mission remains unchanged, as with our commitment to journey with our patients to add life to days.
Yes, tax-deductible receipts for qualifying donations will continue to be issued.
There will be no material change to how donations are used. We will continue to make prudent use of the charitable monies contributed by the generous public, corporates and Foundations to further our cause in supporting patients with life-limiting illnesses and their families. Our financial statements will remain published on our website for public scrutiny.
There will be no change to the services that we provide. All our services* will remain free of charge.
*with the exception of caregiver training, where we have typically always collected a nominal fee.
From 1st April 2022 onwards, all donations should be addressed to HCA Hospice Limited and made to our new bank account.
Bank Name: DBS BANK
DBS Account No: 072 – 581526 – 6
PayNow/(UEN): 202114297R
Cheques must be written to HCA HOSPICE LIMITED. Please contact us at [email protected] if you require more information.
We will trigger a transfer of your donation to the new entity, HCA Hospice Limited, and you will be notified by our fundraising personnel. No action is required on your part.
Yes, definitely. No action is required for donors who are supporting us through monthly credit card donations. However, you may notice that from 1st April 2022 onwards, the deducting party reflected on your bank statement will change to HCA Hospice Limited.
If you have a standing bank arrangement linked to our current bank account, you will need to terminate/remove the current instructions and set up a new one with our new bank details, as we will be progressively closing all our current bank accounts.
New Bank Details
Bank Name: DBS BANK
DBS Account No: 072 – 581526 – 6
Please contact us at [email protected] if you require more information.
Volunteering opportunities will not be affected. We may even call upon your help to assist us in the transition process. Come 1st April 2022, if you need to introduce yourself as a HCA volunteer, please use our new name, HCA Hospice or HCA.
All our services* will remain free of charge and there will be no change to the services that we provide.
*with the exception of caregiver training, where we have typically always collected a nominal fee.
There will be no disruption to care and no change to the services that we provide. You will be receiving an official notice from us in due course and no action is required on your part.
Our clinical team will continue to support you during this transition. You can reach them at the same number and email address provided.
Existing society members will be updated on the transition at the upcoming AGM in August 2022 and will be invited to join the CLG as a member. Members who wish to enter the membership programme under the CLG will need to complete a new set of application forms and pay an annual membership fee of $20.
You can continue to support us by pledging a monthly donation or join us as a volunteer.
To make a monthly or one-time donation please visit https://friends.hca.org.sg/HCA/Giving/MyGift.htm.
To join us as a volunteer, please apply through our volunteer registration portal on our homepage.
A novation letter will be sent via email to current vendors, third-parties collaborators and stakeholders, to novate the existing contracts and agreements. All terms and conditions, obligations and entitlements of the existing contracts and agreements will remain unchanged. Novation letters need to be acknowledged before 1st April 2022.
If the rendering of service starts after 1st April 2022, we will sign a new agreement/contract through the new entity.
For current agreements/contracts, you will receive a novation notice from us. Should your company require further discussion on the terms listed, please reach out to us directly.
Please invoice to HCA Hospice Limited. Our address will remain unchanged.
Our admin personnel will contact you to request to cancel the wrong invoice and re-issue one addressed to HCA Hospice Limited.
We will endeavour to ensure that payment will reach you in time during this transition. However, we call for your patience and understanding if payment is inadvertently delayed.