At HCA Hospice (HCA), we are fuelled by the passion from a loving community called volunteers. Not only have they sacrificed much of their time and effort, they are a light of hope and joy that uplifts our patients’ spirits in their darkest moments of life.
Hear from two of our volunteers who have roped in their family to serve this meaningful cause with them!
Mrs Jane See and Family
Mrs Jane See, a retired school teacher was introduced to HCA two years ago by her friend. “After my uncle passed away in a hospice years ago, I wanted to experience being in a place which serves the sick and dying,” shares Jane.
She has since roped in her two children, Grace and Ray, both in the education sector. “I started my volunteering days at HCA calling volunteers and managing the reception. Soon after, I was asked to help facilitate the Young Caregivers Programme (yCG) in schools, which aims to inculcate respect and love for the elderly and sick. When I shared the programme with my children, they were both interested and joined as facilitators. I can see that they enjoy this meaningful service and it has brought the siblings closer together,” Jane elaborates.
“I have learned so much from the Day Hospice patients at HCA. They enter the centre each day full of laughter and joy despite their illnesses and pains. They participate enthusiastically to the best of their abilities in all the activities. You can see them living joyfully and that encourages me to continue to serve in this special cause.”
Mrs Sabeen Faruqi and Family
Volunteerism is a key aspect of Mrs Sabeen Faruqi’s life. As the head of the Singapore Pakistani Association Philanthropy group, Sabeen arranges for her team to visit HCA’s Day Hospice Centre to befriend patients, or accompany them for outings to the Singapore Zoo or Gardens by the Bay.
“Whenever my children are on school break, they will join in the activities as well,” shares Sabeen.
“The smiles on the patients’ faces keep us coming back. They are very welcoming and receptive and it reminds us of our parents back home.” Sabeen also adds that the HCA staff are also very warm and hardworking.
Volunteering need not be a daunting or lonely experience. Bring your friends or family along to experience serving the community in a meaningful way. For more information on joining us as a volunteer, email [email protected]
and we will be in touch with you!